Call for Papers, Art, Workshops, and Presentations
We invite proposals for papers, panels, workshops, and artwork for Marking Time: Prison Arts and Activism Conference at Rutgers University on October 8-10, 2014. Read more.
IRW Welcomes Colleen Martin
The IRW is delighted to welcome Colleen Martin as its new administrative assistant. Colleen has been with Rutgers for 14 years, previously working in University Accounting, Payroll and The Office of Research and Economic Development. Read more.
Join the Undergraduate Learning Community
The IRW is accepting applications for its Spring 2014 Undergraduate Learning Community. Apply online or download the application in MS Word or PDF.
Join IRW as a Global Scholar
The IRW accepts applications for its Global Scholars program on a rolling basis. Global Scholar appointments include access to libraries and recreational facilities, a private office, and participation in University lectures, colloquia and seminars. Please view the 2014-15 call for applicants and