
IRW Professional Development Workshop - Job Market Basics


Monday, November 14, 2016, 02:30pm - 04:30pm

This event will provide strategic advice for students contemplating a job market that is increasingly comprised of visiting positions and post-doctoral fellowships rather than tenure track jobs. Topics to be covered will include multi-year searches, transitioning from post-doc to faculty positions, alternative careers in academic administration, interview techniques, and negotiating tips. 

Cynthia Daniels, Professor, Political Science, & Associate Dean, Douglass Residential College
Laura Fabris, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Anjali Nerlekar Associate Professor, AMESALL: African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures
Maya Mikdashi, Assistant Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies & the Center for Middle Eastern Studies

This workshop is sponsored by the Institute for Research on Women and the Office for the Promotion of Women in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.